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KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
The User Perceptions Index System for 3G Services Abstract__The paper develops a reasonable and scientific index system for the user perception of 3G services. By top-down, breakdown by level method, the paper divides the index system into 7 dimensions(service accessibility, service retainability, service responsitivity, ease of use, Service Integrity, Quality of Sessions, Quality of Contents), formed by a number of indicators. Thus, a "dimensions - indicators - measurements" level of the index system is developed. The paper also gives an example of mobile video streaming service to illustrate how to make use of the system into a certain service. The example shows that the index system is valid and workable for user perceptions evaluation of 3G system.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 466 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
Towards an understanding of the behavioral intention to use 3G mobile value-added services Abstract_As profit margins gradually decline, and market competition becomes increasingly intensive, 3G telecom operators must provide various mobile value-added services, aswell as traditional voice services, to attract new subscribers and retain old ones. However, for many 3G mobile value-added services, whether ARPU (average revenue per user) can be effectively enhanced depends on the consumer behavioral intentions. Therefore, this study uses the Technology Acceptance Model as the foundation and incorporate personal innovativeness and perceived cost to further understand consumer’s behavioral intention to use 3G mobile value-added services. The following conclusions can be reached from the research findings: (1) consumer usage rate of current 3G value-added services remains low; (2) increased personal innovativeness will directly enhance the perceived ease of use of 3G mobile value-added services; (3) the perceived usefulness is enhanced when consumers perceive higher ease of use of value-added services; (4) perceived usefulness has the strongest effect on consumer attitude, followed by perceived ease of use and perceived cost, and (5) the most important factor in increasing consumer’s behavioral intention to use 3G mobile value-added services is attitude, followed by perceived ease of use, perceived cost and perceived usefulness. Results of this study provide a valuable reference for service providers to develop mobile value-added services.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 575 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
Vehicle Movement Tracking Using Online Map with Real-time Live Video in 3G Network Abstract—For several years, location based information services have been studied and implemented in various fields including mobile communication and ubiquitous computing to gain advantages for their usage and their convergence services nature. One of the most powerful ways to personalize mobile services is based on location. There has been a tremendous increasing number of researches as well as development both hardware and software to reach an ultimate goal and understanding about Location Based System (LBS) including satellite-based LBS which provided many services such as emergency rescue, logistics control, and navigation. In addition, the recent available integration of Online map API such as Yahoo and Google within wireless 3G networks (WIBRO or WIMAX), have opened a new page of interest and researches to developers as well as students with telecommunication academic background. However, seeing the movement of vehicle on the online map is not good enough. Therefore, a real-time video streaming from vehicle is also integrated. In this study, we develop a system which provides a virtual look and feel interface of vehicle movement on the online map with an integration of real-time live video from the vehicle. We have decided to use DCCP (Datagram Congestion Control Protocol) as the main transport protocol in order to stream the video. This system is also utilized in disaster prevention and emergency system such as fire prevention, emergency rescue and lost child systems. Test and experimental implementation of the system gave us a positive result. However, as our system is first developed, a lot of improvements are needed to make the system better and accurate.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 640 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
Vertical distribution of the RF signal inside a building, illuminated by a 3G mobile network base-station Abstract—This paper presents some consideration about vertical distribution of the RF signal inside a building, based on ameasurement report from a study whose aim was to determine the RF signal power received inside a building, at different floors, and to determine a ‘gain’ due to increase receiver height.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 582 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
Wireless CDN video streaming architecture for IPTV Abstract__ Wireless IPTV (Internet Protocol TeleVision) aims to make the traditional IPTV and related services available to users anywhere, anytime, on any device, and through any network. Mobile streaming TV is one of the alternatives to deploy such a system; others are DVB-H or MediaFLO. In this paper we propose an alternative CDN-based architecture to distribute contents to different access networks, in order to create a triple screen platform. The core elements of the system are the video streamers, acting as surrogates of the mobile CDN-based architecture, installed in the access networks (including mobile), and the transcoding servers in the premises of the content providers. The paper focused on the wireless part of the system, analyzing the architecture and performance results related with the video coding and the efficiency obtained due to the placement of the streaming servers. The system has been deployed by a Spanish media company for its use with different Telcos, ISPs and media companies.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 987 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
A WAVELET NETWORK ASSESSMENT MODEL FOR CUSTOMERS’ SATISFACTION DEGREE OF 3G NETWORK Abstract_With the large-scale 3G network application and market competition intensifies, operators pay attention to the Quality of Experience (QoE) increasingly. The main research results are how to map Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Key Quality Indicators (KQIs) and Quality of Service (QoS) to QoE. The Customers’ Satisfaction Degree (CSD) indexes contain technological and nontechnological aspects, which are not fully contained in QoE. This article builds a wavelet network assessment model of CSD of 3G network for the first time, including technical factors, operating factors, man-machine interface factors, user expectations factors, price factors, service ability factors. These factors are composed of 16 important parameters. The experiment proves that the result of this model could satisfy the precision requirement.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 1779 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
Authentications and Key Management in 3G-WLAN Interworking Abstract__ The successful deployment of WLAN for high speed data transmission and 3G cellular systems for wide coverage and global roaming has emerged to be a complementary platform for wireless data communications. But security in the 3G-WLAN interworking,  
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 545 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
A Spline-Based Hammerstein Predistortion for 3G Power Amplifiers with Hard Nonlinearities Abstract—In this paper, we focus on the digital predistortion for the linearization of power amplifiers (PAs) with intrinsic hard nonlinearities, such as Doherty PAs, envelope tracking (ET) PAs widely explored in the third generation (3G) communication systems. Conventional Volterra-series-based predistortion with high degree nonlinearities suffers from the difficulty of real-time implement and the problem of numerical instability. Accordingly, a block-oriented Hammerstein predistortion with cubic-spline static nonlinearity is proposed, and the separable nonlinear least squares (SNLS) method is used to identify the Hammerstein coefficients, which significantly reduces the dimension of search space. A normalization convergence scheme is also presented to ensure the global optimum. The experiments are carried out on uplink single-carrier WCDMA signals, the results show that both the static nonlinear distortion and the memory effect of the PA under test are compensated significantly, and fast convergence is achieved by the normalization scheme.          
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 473 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
A review of DoS attack models for 3G cellular networks from a system-design perspective Abstract_Third-generation cellular networks are exposed to novel forms of denial-of-service attacks that only recently have started to be recognized and documented by the scientific community. In this contribution, we review some recently published attack models specific for cellular networks. We review them collectively in order to identify the main system-design aspects that are ultimately responsible for the exposure to the attack. The goal of this contribution is to build awareness about the intrinsic weaknesses of 3G networks from a system-design perspective. In doing that we hope to inform the design practice of future generation networks, motivating the adoption of randomization, adaptation and prioritization as central ingredients of robust system design.          
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 719 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
A Pricing Model and Sensitivity Analysis for MVNO Investment Decision Making in 3G UMTS Networks Abstract—In this article we propose a pricing model for MNO and MVNO’s investment in 3G UMTS networks. We also investigate and conceptualize the relationship among MNO, MVNO, and other related variables in the proposed pricing model. Next, we develop the influence diagrams representing MNO and MVNO and use them to explore the relationship of total costs, total revenues, and net profit. This diagram is used to find optimal decisions which maximize the expected profit values. Finally, we suggest a simple way of sensitivity analysis to identify the most critical parameters affecting the performance of the MVNO in the 3G wireless network market. An illustrative example of one-way sensitivity analysis is presented. The analysis of the results obtained from the model focuses on of MVNO’s customers and its profits in an attempt to provide recommendations which may be utilised and made a greatercontribution in the MVNO’s investment decision making process.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 935 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail

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