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KMUTT Library

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KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
Remote Engine room Devices Surveillance over 3G Wireless Net Abstract__The running status of various devices in engine room is very important factor for the safe running of devices in engine room or other application fields. In order to supervise the running status or performance of the many devices in engine room, an online remote devices monitoring system based on 3G network is proposed in this paper. The system could monitor the voltage, current and temperature of the various devices in engine room through the mobile surveillance terminal. The system sends the running parameter to the supervision center or mobile termination and receives the remote instructions from remote hand terminal or control centre by 3G or internet. The system could also set the alarm boundary of the voltage, current and temperature of the various devices, if the devices is running in abnormal status, the system would transfer the relevant information to the remote mobile terminal or the supervision center, as a result, the devices in engine room could be supervised or maintained with short time. The system shows the superiority in remote devices monitoring in practice.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 526 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
Remote Monitoring Application based on Modbus and China Unicorn 3G Abstract__In China traditional methods of building Modbus remote monitoring system have some drawbacks. They are tightly dependent on telephone lines if wired communication was used; transferring speed is limited when using wireless technology like GPRS; Proprietary interfaces make it hard to reuse software design and new information island may be formed. So a new architecture for Modbus remote monitoring application was presented by this paper to solve the problems. 3G Gateway provides Modbus network with Internet accessing capability. Process data can be sent to LAN Gateway through 3G Gateway. LAN Gateway gets the process data and forward to OPC server. Then remote monitoring applications can read/write data from Ito OPC server easily using standard OPC interfaces. A prototype system was implemented in laboratory. The system is in initial phase now, but it proved the technique feasibility of the architecture.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 674 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
Research on 3G mobile learning based on cloud service Abstract—This paper discusses the characteristics and key techniques of 3G mobile learning based on cloud services. Our research mainly focuses on mobile learning mode including active mode, passive mode and hybrid mode. And personalized learning method and resource integration approach are applied and analyzed. At last, we propose to employ cloud computing to mobile learning and build basic framework and simulation application for 3G mobile learning based on cloud services.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 537 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
Research on Integrated 3G Network into a Digital Library Services Model for Reader ABSTRACT__This paper analyzes the challenges that the current library services are facing, and presents the model of integrated 3G mobile network technology into access to digital library reader services.The computer network technology includes both software and hardware which significantly influence the proceeding of information technology and application in the field of digital library, particularly, the information services for reader depending on more software.Authors introduce how the communication protocol between 3G network and local network to transform its data format. The transformed data format can be easily worked for digital library services. And the paper illustrates workflow of access mode with a graph. The intelligent features of Web3.0 technology and 3G mobile Internet software make important roles for the future of digital libraries operating mode to achieve success.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 476 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
Research on MAC Communication Mechanism of Air-to-ground Data Link Based on 3G Abstract—In order to settle the conceal terminal, frequency shift, losing package, mistaking code problems of air-to-ground data link, which were arosed by high speed moving of node and more complicated network enviroment, two important MAC communication mechanism-the MSDU frames subsection and RTS/CTS handshake mechanism-were introduced. Then some simulation experiment were made from little operation and much operation aspects, and some simulation analyse was given. Finally, some useful conclusion is got.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 465 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
Research on Construction of 3G Mobile Product Marketing Channels Abstract-Establish good marketing channels can not only improve the product's market expansion speed, but also help enterprises to achieve strategic goals of marketing and improve enterprise competitiveness. This paper outlines the theory of marketing channels, analyze the objectives and selection mode of choice of management policy of research the construction of Channels.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 506 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
Research on Monitoring Quality of      3G Streaming Media Service Abstract- In order to effectively monitor the application of the network performance and service quality, rapidly response users' needs and complaints, telecom operators find that the demands for service quality are in an urgent case. According to the requirement analysis on quality monitoring for streaming media service, together with the characteristics of stream media transport protocol, this paper introduced a methodology for the monitoring data of 3G streaming media services. These data included objective QoS indicator and subjective QoE indicator. The measurement for testing process involved a handheld client terminal and some network probes. Using this detection system, we achieve the quality monitoring for streaming media service and also the judgment for fault points in the network.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 504 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
Roadmapping 3G mobile TV: Strategic thinking and scenario planning through repeated cross-impact handling Abstract_In order to deal with growing uncertainties emerging in the 3G wireless industry and to preserve their competitiveness, managers involved in the wireless value network should identify future success very early and develop their strategic planning on time. This study, based on a Scenario Evaluation and Analysis through Repeated Cross impact Handling, allows the generation of both qualitative and quantitative scenarios and can be used as an operative planning tool. The dynamic forces driving the scenario are based on the main principles of system thinking and multiple features. The probabilistic data have been elicitedwith the help of 40 executives in USA and Europe working for companies in the different phases of the wireless value chain. Findings allow to identify basic trends and uncertainties useful to develop corporate or business strategies.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 545 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
SIP-Based IMS Signaling Analysis for WiMax-3G Interworking Architectures Abstract—The third-generation partnership project (3GPP) and 3GPP2 have standardized the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) to provide ubiquitous and access network-independent IP-based services for next-generation networks via merging cellular networks and the Internet. The application layer Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), standardized by 3GPP and 3GPP2 for IMS, is responsible for IMS session establishment, management, and transformation. The IEEE 802.16 worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMax) promises to provide high data rate broadband wireless access services. In this paper, we propose two novel interworking architectures to integrate WiMax and third-generation (3G) networks. Moreover, we analyze the SIP-based IMS registration and session setup signaling delay for 3G and WiMax networks with specific reference to their interworking architectures. Finally, we explore the effects of different WiMax-3G interworking architectures on the IMS registration and session setup signaling delay.    
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 581 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail
KMUTT Library/PaperAdvance
Safety Distance for Medical Equipments Based on 2G and 3G Mobile Systems Abstract_In this study, two different mobile communication operators provide services in Turkey have been choosen that each operator has both 2G and 3G services. In this study, electromagnetic interefernce distance to medical equipments located in The Medical School Hospital of Akdeniz University sourced from mobiled phones have been examined. Through out different units in the hospital environment, 30 different measurements carried out, and deterioration in audio and visual signal reaction of devices was found to be associated with the distance to mobile phones. Electromagnetic interference, particularly of the ECG and ted EEG device was observed, and exposure begins with range 1.25m distance.
Monday, 31 January 2011 | 845 hits | Print | PDF |  Write e-mail

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