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# Article Title Author Hits
61 Aromatic, Antiaromatic, or Nonaromatic: How To Tell The Difference punjalak 748
62 Diels Alder Reaction punjalak 588
63 Kinetic vs Thermodynamic Product: 1,2 vs 1,4 addition of bromine Br2 to 1,3 butadiene punjalak 636
64 Which Molecule Absorbs UV Radiation? punjalak 729
65 Organic Chemistry 1 Final Exam Review punjalak 698
66 Organic Chemistry - Reaction Mechanisms - Addition, Elimination, Substitution, Rearrangement punjalak 1000
67 Ethers & Epoxides Review: SN2 vs SN1 Mechanism punjalak 639
68 Pka & Acidity of Organic Compounds - Alcohols, Phenols, Alkynes, Carboxylic Acids punjalak 670
69 Grignard Reagent Reaction Mechanism punjalak 627
70 Alcohol + H2SO4 Mechanism punjalak 719
71 Oxidation or Reduction - Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Alcohols, Aldehydes, & Carboxylic Acids punjalak 555
72 SN1, SN2, E1, & E2 Reaction Mechanism Made Easy! punjalak 747
73 Alkyne Synthesis Reaction Mechanisms - Practice Problems & Examples punjalak 751
74 Alkene Addition Reactions: Quick Review - All The Reactions You Need To Know For Your Test! punjalak 674
75 Stereochemistry Fischer Projections - R and S, Chiral Centers & Stereoisomers, Naming, Enantiomers, punjalak 690
76 Stereochemistry: R & S Configuration, Nomenclature, Diastereomers, Enantiomers, Meso Compounds punjalak 619
77 Resonance Structures punjalak 674
78 Organic Chemistry Functional Groups Review & Naming / Nomeclature & Examples punjalak 572
79 How To Get an A In Organic Chemistry punjalak 604
80 Organic Chemistry 1 - Introduction / Basic Overview punjalak 824
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