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# Article Title Author Hits
1 What exactly is Nanotechnology? punjalak 6712
2 nanobiotechnology 2 punjalak 581
3 nanobiotechnology 1 punjalak 686
4 A tour of the IBM Nanobiotechnology Lab punjalak 704
5 Nanobiology punjalak 562
6 TEDxCaltech - Mark E. Davis - Nanomedicines: Nanobiotech v. Cancer punjalak 666
7 Nanobiotechnology at Interfaces punjalak 669
8 Bionanotechnology Applications in Nanotherapeutics, Gene therapy , Immunotherapy punjalak 658
9 Changing the future with stem cells | Crystal Ruff | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool punjalak 619
10 TEDxBigApple - Robert Langer - Biomaterials for the 21st Century punjalak 1002
11 What is NanoTechnology? (720p) punjalak 647
12 Bio Nano Technology-New Frontiers in Molecular Engineering: Andreas Mershin at TEDxAthens punjalak 955
13 National Geographic. Secrets of the body farm / Разложение тел. punjalak 729
14 What is Anthrax Disease? (720p) punjalak 624
15 An Introduction to Diseases & Epidemiology (720p) punjalak 523
16 Bioinformatics - what is bioinformatics, why it is, how its work. punjalak 781
17 Exploration of Life in the Inner Solar System (1080p) punjalak 698
18 Inside the Australian Body Farm punjalak 669
19 ติวชีววิทยา PAT การหายใจระดับเซลล์ Cellular respiration ม.ปลาย punjalak 804
20 สอนศาสตร์ : ม.ปลาย : ชีววิทยา : การหายใจระดับเซลล์ punjalak 823
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