Resonance Structures PDF Print E-mail
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Written by punjalak   
Friday, 16 September 2016 15:29

Resonance Structures - This video shows you how to draw resonance structures of organic compounds for your organic chemistry course. It provides the arrow pushing mechanism of electrons in addition to discussing the stability of different ylides and how to identify the major and minor resonance contributor. Whenever delocalization of electrons are possible, resonance structures can be drawn. Electrons flow from a region of high electron density to a region of low electron density, therefore the arrows always point from the nucleophile to the electrophile.

This video includes the resonance structure of phenoxide, allylic carbocation, allylic carbanion, benzylic carbocation, amide, carboxylic acid, alpha beta unsaturated aldehyde or michael acceptor, acylinium ion, nitriles, enolate ions, pthalamide, and alkyne carbanions.

This video also shows you how to calculate the formal charge of different elements within organic compounds.

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อัพโหลดโดย The Organic Chemistry Tutor


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