Hydrogen explosion with Aluminium Foil and Drain Cleaner PDF Print E-mail
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Written by pimpitcha   
Tuesday, 21 June 2016 16:47

In this video explains experiment with foil and pipe-cleaning detergent. The solution of sodium hydroxide or alkali is usually used to сlean pipes of blockages. Let’s take this bottle and pour some alkali into it. Next, we need to make small balls from foil and add drip into our bottle. After a while, aluminum foil is dissolved in sodium hydroxide forming hydrogen and sodium tetrahydroxyaluminate. (Great tongue twister, isn’t it?) The reaction with foil goes very roughly and the balloon is soon inflated with hydrogen. Don't repeat this experiment as it is dangerous. Now I remove the hot balloon filled with hydrogen and tie it up. I use the flame of a gas burner to blow the balloon up. Water(the most useful substance for living organisms) is formed within the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen which comes from the air.

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