Economics, Econometrics and Finance : January 2011 PDF Print E-mail
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Friday, 11 February 2011 17:03
1. Market efficiency, long-term returns, and behavioral finance

Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 49, Issue 3, September 1998, Pages 283-306

Fama, E.F.

Keywords: Market efficiency; Behavioral finance

Cited by SciVerse Scopus (623)

2. Investor protection and corporate governance

Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 58, Issue 1-2, January 2000, Pages 3-27

La Porta, R.; Lopez-de-Silanes, F.; Shleifer, A.; Vishny, R.

Keywords: Investor, protection; Corporate governance; Law

Cited by SciVerse Scopus (559)


3. How does foreign direct investment affect economic growth?

Journal of International Economics, Volume 45, Issue 1, June 1998, Pages 115-135

Borensztein, E.; De Gregorio, J.; Lee, J.-W.

Keywords: Foreign direct investment; Economic growth; Cross-country regression framework; Developing countries

Cited by SciVerse Scopus (457)

4. The theory and practice of corporate finance: evidence from the field

Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 60, Issue 2-3, May 2001, Pages 187-243

Graham, J.R.; Harvey, C.R.

Keywords: Capital structure; Cost of capital; Cost of equity; Capital budgeting; Discount rates; Project valuation; Survey

Cited by SciVerse Scopus (428)

5. Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States

Ecological Economics, Volume 52, Issue 3, February 2005, Pages 273-288

Pimentel, D.; Zuniga, R.; Morrison, D.

Keywords: Environmental and economic cost; Threatened or endangered species; Alien-invasive species

Cited by SciVerse Scopus (422)


Data from October to December 2010

Last Updated on Friday, 11 February 2011 17:04

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