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# Article Title Author Hits
221 Forensic Biology (DNA and Serology) Evidence punjalak 569
222 Forensic Science and How Criminals Hide their Crimes (Full Documentary) punjalak 934
223 Forensic Biology punjalak 798
224 Forensic entomology | The crime scene punjalak 812
225 Janine Benyus - The Biomimicry Effect | Bioneers punjalak 556
226 Janine Benyus: Biomimicry in action punjalak 810
227 Biomimicry and Landscape Architecture punjalak 930
228 Metaklett -- Hook and Loop Fastener made of steel punjalak 615
229 How Does Velcro Work? | Design Squad punjalak 956
230 Who invented Velcro? punjalak 825
231 Michael Pawlyn - Biomimicry in architectural design punjalak 923
232 Biomimicry in the Built World: Consulting Nature as Model, Measure, and Mentor punjalak 783
233 Experiments in Biomimetic Technology Applied to Architecture Components punjalak 1087
234 Invention Factory: How Will Robots Evolve? | Presented by GE punjalak 949
235 Ch 12 Cell Cycle Lecture Part 3 punjalak 837
236 Ch 12 Cell Cycle Lecture Part 2 punjalak 739
237 Ch 12 Cell Cycle Lecture Part 1 punjalak 724
238 Ch 13 Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycle Lecture Part 3 punjalak 896
239 Ch 13 Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycle Lecture Part 2 punjalak 960
240 Ch 13 Meiosis and Sexual Lifecycle Lecture Part 1 punjalak 763
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