Written by punjalak
Tuesday, 07 October 2014 03:58 |
INFLORESCENCE:The mode of development and arrangement of flowers on the peduncle is called INFLORESCENCE.The axis of the inflorescence is called PEDUNCLE. The peduncle is a modified stem that produces flowers in a definite manner. It is the reproductive shoot of the angiosperms. It is a characteristic feature of many angiosperms.They may occupy different positions over the stem. TYPES OF INFLORESCENCE: Based on their origin, inflorescences of THREE types, as follows: AXILLARY INFLORESCENCE: Inflorescences developed from the axils of leaves are called axillary inflorescence. Example: Dolichos. TERMINAL INFLORESCENCES: Inflorescences developed from the apices of main stem or branches are called TERMINAL INFLORESCENES. Examples: Crotalaria, Croton. INTERCALARY INFLORESCENCES: Inflorescences developed on the internodes are called INTERCALARY INFLORESCENCES. Example: Callistemon. CAULIFLORY: Formation of flowers directly on the stem is called CAULIFLORY. Examples: Polyalthia, Theobroma Based on the growth and development of peduncle, inflorescence are classified into three types.They are: Racemose inflorescences, Cymose inflorescences, and Special inflorescences.
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