Transportation in Plants Print
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Written by punjalak   
Tuesday, 29 July 2014 05:23

Every organism is in need of water and food for their survival. Transportation is a process of transporting water, minerals and food to all parts of the plant body. Conducting tissues such as xylem and phloem will play an important role in Transportation. Water is transported from roots to all parts of the plant by xylem vessels through root hairs. Food is prepared by plants from raw materials such as CO2, water and in the presence of sunlight through photosynthesis. Prepared food is transported to all parts of the body from leaves to plant parts by conducting tissue called phloem. After transporting remaining excess amount of water are released in to the outside of the atmosphere through transpiration process.

ที่มา : อัพโหลดโดย 7activestudio

Last Updated on Wednesday, 30 July 2014 04:58