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Written by punjalak   
Saturday, 04 October 2014 05:40

SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS: Second law of thermodynamics is a fundamental law of nature which explains that heat can only flow from hot body to cold body by it self. The most significant statements of second law of thermodynamics are.Kelvin – Planck statement: “ it is impossible by any thermodynamic process which results solely in the removal of heat from a heat reservoir and convert it entirely into work. It means that it is not possible to get a continuous supply of work from a body by cooling it to a temperature lower than that of the surroundings. Classius statement: “ it is impossible for a self acting machine unaided by any external agency to transfer heat from a body at lower temperature to a body at higher temperature.” It means that by it self heat cannot flow from a body at lower temperature to a body at a higher temperature. Kelvin’s statement can be interpreted in many ways and suggests that no heat engine can convert whole of the heat energy supplied to it into useful work.

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