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# Article Title Author Hits
541 8.4.2 Dipole Moments Pearlita 1398
542 Chemistry 4.3 Metallic Bonding Pearlita 1745
543 Covalent Bond - Animated Presentation Pearlita 978
544 Ionic and covalent bonding animation Pearlita 1123
545 Ionic, Covalent, and Metallic Bonds Pearlita 978
546 Other Periodic Table Trends Pearlita 1473
547 Periodic Table Trends: Ionization Energy Pearlita 1435
548 Groups of the Periodic Table Pearlita 1523
549 Valence Electrons Pearlita 1622
550 Electron Configurations Part 2 Pearlita 1409
551 Electron Configurations Part 1 Pearlita 1478
552 Naming Organic Compounds Part II Porntip 907
553 Naming Organic Compounds Part 1 Porntip 676
554 Chemistry Music Video 29: It's A Family Thing Porntip 742
555 CRC Handbook of Basic Tables for Chemical Analysis, Third Edition Pearlita 1539
556 Groups of the Periodic Table Pearlita 1064
557 Electromagnetic waves Pearlita 1134
558 Accuracy, Precision, Rounding, and Significant Figures Pearlita 999
559 How to Calculate Empirical Formula from Mass Data Pearlita 949
560 Significant Digits and Scientific Notation Relationship Pearlita 850
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