SP3 Hybridization Part 1 PDF Print E-mail
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Written by pimpitcha   
Sunday, 09 November 2014 16:47

This video explains Sp3 (or) tetrahedral hybridization:

Definition: "The process of intermixing of one s and three p orbitals to give four identical hybrid orbitals is known as sp3 (or) tetrahedral hybridization".

Characteristics Sp3 hybridization:
In this hybridization four hybrid orbitals are formed. These hybrid orbitals takes the direction of p- orbitals. Each sp3 hybrid orbital possess 25% s-character and 75% p-character. The hybrid orbitals are oriented along the four corners of regular tetrahedron at an angle Hence this hybridization is called tetrahedral hybridization. Sp3 hybrid orbitals are bigger than sp2 and sp hybrid orbitals.

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ลิงค์ : http://youtu.be/JxNpU3Ky7xA

อัพโหลดโดย : 7activestudio

Last Updated on Sunday, 09 November 2014 16:54

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