SP2 Hybridization PDF Print E-mail
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Written by pimpitcha   
Sunday, 08 June 2014 10:15

SP2 hybridization:Definition: "The process of intermixing of one S and two P orbitals to give three identical hybrid orbitals is known as Sp2 or trigonal hybridization". Characteristics Trigonal hybridization:In this hybridization three hybrid orbitals are formed.These hybrid orbitals takes the direction of p-orbitals.Each sp2 hybrid orbitals possess 33.31% of s-character and 66.7% p-character.The hybrid orbitals oriented along the three corners of regular triangle at an angle of 1200. Hence this hybridization is called trigonal hybridization.SP2 hybird orbital is slightly smaller in size than the sp3 hybrid orbital. Therefore the shape of sp2 hybridized atom is trigonal planar with bond angle of 1200.Examples:-BCl3: Boron trichloride BF3: Boron trifluoride. C2H4: Ethylene C6H6: Benzene SO2: Sulphur dioxide.Structure of Boron trichloride Bcl3:Consider Boron trichloride, BCl3.Boron Atom: The central atom in boron trichloride is Boron B.The atomic number of boron is 5.The general electronic configuration is 1s22s22p1. The ground state electronic configuration of is 2s2 2p1.The excited state electronic configuration of Boron is 2s1 2p2.One electron is promoted from 2s to 2py level, then electronic configuration is 1s2 2s12px12py1.The 2s to 2px & 2py orbital undergoes sp2 hybridization and form three sp2 hybrid orbitals. The three sp2 hybrid orbitals possess one electron each.Chlorine Atom: The atomic number of Chlorine is 17.The general electronic configuration is 1s2 2s22p6 3s23p5, which is the ground state electronic configuration.Pz orbital is having unpaired electron.The three hybrid orbitals of boron form three sigma bonds with 3pz orbital of three chlorine atoms and oriented along the three corners of regular triangle at an angle of 1200. Therefore the molecule gets trigonal planar with bond angle of 1200. Hence three sigma sp2-pz bonds are having pair of electrons.

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Last Updated on Sunday, 08 June 2014 10:37

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