Written by pimpitcha
Sunday, 09 March 2014 18:11 |
In this video explains Soluble Salts. Soil salinity is a widespread limitation to agricultural production in semiarid and arid soils throughout the world. The accumulation of soluble salts in the soil profile curtails crop growth by increasing the osmotic potential of the soil solution and inducing specific ion toxicities or nutrient imbalances. The predominant solutes responsible for salinity include the cations sodium, calcium, magnesium and the anions sulfae and chloride. (Soluble Salts + salinity + saline = The Soil is Salt Effected)
ที่มา : http://ndsusoilhealth.com
ลิงค์ : http://youtu.be/MurTticITDU
อัพโหลดโดย : NDSU Soil Health
Last Updated on Monday, 10 March 2014 11:12 |