Written by pimpitcha
Sunday, 09 March 2014 15:42 |
In this video shows you how to name common acids. Acids have three possible definitions but for now all you need to know is that acids are substances that release hydrogen cations when dissolved in water (aqueous).
There are two basic types of common acids: binary acids and oxyacids (ternary). Binary acids are aqueous solutions of binary compounds that release hydrogen cations. Oxyacids are aqueous solutions of compounds with hydrogen, oxygen and a third element.
Binary acids are named using hydro + root +ic acid. Oxyacids are named using the polyatomic ion. If it ends in ate you add ic to the root if it end in ite you add ous to the root.
ที่มา : http://www.yourCHEMcoach.com
ลิงค์ : http://youtu.be/LoSLKUN7FQ4
อัพโหลดโดย : mrcausey
Last Updated on Monday, 10 March 2014 11:14 |