Matter Waves, De Broglie's Hypothesis and the Wave Mechanical Model |
Written by pimpitcha
Sunday, 09 March 2014 14:48 |
In this video explains De Broglie's hypothesis, matter waves and Schrodinger's equation in the development of the wave-mechanical model of the atom. Louis de Broglie proposes the idea that if light can have particle properties then particles should have wave properties. He based his hypothesis on the symmetry of nature and Einstein's formulas from the explanation of the photoelectric effect. In effort to gain support for his idea de Broglie sent his work to Einstein who readily accepted this new hypothesis. However, de Broglie's hypothesis was confirmed until 1927 by Germer and Davison and independently by G.P. Thomson. Erwin Schrodinger takes the De Broglie Hypothesis and combines it with the Planetary Model to create the Wave Mechanical Model. Schrodinger suggest that the matter wave is a three dimensional standing wave and develops the Schrodinger equation to support it mathematically.
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