Tax Control and Security of M-Commerce in 3G Environments PDF Print E-mail
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Written by zeezom   
Monday, 31 January 2011 11:13

Tax Control and Security of M-Commerce in 3G Environments

This paper seeks to integrate different impressive
access technologies to build a kind of innovative MCommerce
tax control and security model. It analyzes the
key problem of M-Commerce in the age of the 3rd
generation wireless communication infrastructure (3G),
present a set of mobile tax control and security solution
in which the second generation ID card in China is used
instead of all kinds of the existing IC or ID card for
identification and mutual authentication through Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) access technology with
mobile terminal, T-FLASH (TF) card is used for tax
control and security jUnctions of mobile business through
SD Input/ Output (SDIO) access technology. K-java is
used for cross platform and Web Service is used for
system integration base on Open Service Architecture
(OSA) according to 3GPP. Then mobile tax control and
security mechanisms are given including key enabling
technologies, system integration solution, and implement
method. In the end, software and hardware design is
introduced and a practical application is given. The
result of the present work implied that the integration of
SIM card and tax control card is gradually becoming a
new research field which is a competitive technology and
will be used in the mobile business solution.


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