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Technological innovations and 3G mobile phone diffusion: Lessons learned from Japan PDF Print E-mail
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Written by zeezom   
Monday, 31 January 2011 11:11

Technological innovations and 3G mobile phone diffusion: Lessons learned from Japan

Technology and innovation become more important determinants of
corporate competitiveness, and the telecommunications sector is no exception.
A good example is found in
the development of the mobile phones. Technological
development, embodied in innovative
functions developed from the first (1G) to third
generation (3G) systems, has played
significantly important roles in the growth and
upheavals of the Japanese mobile phone
market. In addition, development in contents,
value-added services which are supplied
by related firms formed in the vertical structure,
charging systems, handset development;
all these have made this small gadget
an increasingly important part of daily life.
This paper heuristically analyzes the effect
of technological innovations and competition
policies on the diffusion of 3G mobile
phones in Japan. In particular, this paper attempts to
identify what are factors to promote
the Japanese 3G mobile phone by using panel data
analysis. In constructing an estimation
model, the number of subscribers to 3G mobile
phone services is taken as a dependent
variable, while the following three groups of variables
(1) GDP and charges, (2) competition
policies, and (3) technological innovations are selected as independent variables. The study
examines not only the 3G market as a whole
but also the three major individual carriers,
namely NTT DOCOMO, au (KDDI) and Softbank.
In particular, the latter focuses on the
different strategies of the three carriers toward innovations
and competition. Monthly data
related to 3G mobile phones from October 2001 to
December 2008 is used for the analysis.


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